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What to Do After Buying Your First Insurance Policy

Make sure you do these 5 things.


You just bought a new insurance policy from an independent agent. Congratulations! Now what do you do?

There are five things you should make sure you accomplish after you buy a new insurance policy:

       1. Know who to call.

When you buy a new insurance policy, the people you will call in the event of a claim, billing question, or change request are going to be new to you. Make sure you know who to call to help with these. Each agency may handle this differently, so it might be wise to make a spreadsheet.

       2. Document appropriate items.

If you bought an insurance policy that covers contents, it’s a good idea to document those items – especially the large ones. Take pictures, note the current value, condition and how much it would cost to replace it today. This can help in the event of a claim. There are also home inventory apps that will allow you to store this information on your phone.

       3. Inform others.

If there are people who will need to know about your insurance change – your mortgage company, bank, people who hold certificates of your insurance  – let them know! If certain people or groups are not informed of your recent insurance change, there could be consequences you could have easily avoided, such as cancelled contracts with suppliers, or mortgage companies forcing you to take a higher premium policy.

       4. Make your expectations known.

If you have certain expectations for your new insurance agent or company, make them known! If you want to be contacted every six months for a review, or would like certain documents sent to you pertaining to your new policy, let your agent know. They would be happy to make sure you are comfortable with your decision to switch.

       5. Relax.

You just made a great decision and switched to an independent agent. You can rest easy now that you have someone working to make sure you have the perfect protection!

If you are interested in obtaining this peace of mind, call us today at 317-253-1155!